
Reyoungel Sub Skin 2ml/10ml Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler For Breast Enhancement Buttock Enlargement Body Contouring

Reyoungel Sub Skin 2ml/10ml Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler is a revolutionary product that offers a safe and effective way to achieve a fuller, more contoured figure. This dermal filler is specifically designed for use in breast enlargement, buttock enlargement, and body contouring.

The hyaluronic acid dermal filler is made from a natural substance that is found in our skin, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a safe and non-invasive option. Unlike traditional injectable fillers, Reyoungel Sub Skin provides long-lasting results that are more natural-looking. The filler is also able to target specific areas of the body, such as the buttocks and breasts, to give a more even and contoured shape.

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Features of Reyoungel Sub Skin 2ml/10ml Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler For Breast Enhancement Buttock Enlargement Body Contouring

  • Ingredient: Cross-linked Hyaluronate Acid GelHA

  • Concentration: 20mg/ml

  • Particle Size: 1.25-2.0mm

  • Duration: 9-18 months

  • Function: Restoring lost volume,cheeks and chin, local depression , soft tissue, body contouring, etc.

Technical Data Of Reyoungel Sub Skin 2ml/10ml Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler For Breast Enhancement Buttock Enlargement Body Contouring

Particles Size(mm)1.25-2.0
Recommended IndicationsForm volume,correct facial contours,expand volume of cheeks, chin, restore and change of nasal contour, body contouring.
BDDE Residual< 0.2 μg/g
Needle Size/
Packaging (pcs)2.0ml

How Can We Help You?
If you have any questions, you can contact us to help you solve them.
Bioha Laboratories Technology Co., Ltd.